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Panel-Level Dispensing MachineGS700FD

GS700FD is a panel-level dispensing system with high stability and high precision which is developed based on the Underfill process requirements of RDL First PLP.
The equipment meets the needs of the semiconductor industry, can be provided with an automatic panel loading & unloading system, and can automatically realize functions such as panel handling, alignment, preheating, operation heating, anti-warping, dispensing and glue shape AOI. It is compatible with international semiconductor communication protocols, and is provided with a PGV/AGV/OHT automatic loading & unloading interface to match the information management requirements and unmanned management trends.

Composition of SS300 Panel-Level Dispensing System Composition of SS300 Panel-Level Dispensing System

  • GS700FD panel-level dispensing machine × 2
  • PC300 panel loading & unloading machine × 1
  • CS300 AOI machine × 1

Application Fields Application Fields

  • RDL First PLP
  • CUF Application

SS300 Panel-Level Dispensing Operation Flow SS300 Panel-Level Dispensing Operation Flow


Features and Advantages Features and Advantages

Supporting 515x510mm/600x600mm panel dispensing.

Unique mechanical anti-warping system.

Four-valve independent dispensing system.

In the whole process of panel turnover and operation, the temperature is finely controlled and automatically calibrated to meet the CUF process requirements while ensuring the product safety.

The whole-process video monitoring facilitates product turnover, operation process observation, and problem tracing and analysis.